Who We Are

We are Chuka University Christian Union. We desire to be To Be a congregation of faithful witnesses, demonstrating God's Grace in and out of Campus


To Equip members to be able to study, practice and teach the word of God for productive life for Christ.


To Be a congregation of faithful witnesses, demonstrating God's Grace in and Out of Campus

Executive Committee

These are the current executive leaders for the spiritual year 2023/2024

Felix Murithi


Fredrick Njoroge

Second Vice Chairperson
Kellen Mwangi

Kellen Mwangi

Vice ChairPerson

Lilian Munga

ICT coordinator
Joy Ndung'u

Joy Ndung'u


Maureen Makena

Missions Docket
Sam Peter

Sam Peter

Vice Secretary
Justus Mudi

Justus Mudi

STEM Staff 2023/24

Thomas Ndolo

Bible Study Coordinator

Hildah Resiato

CU Treasurer
Amos Mureithi

Amos Mureithi

Prayer Coordinator

Nancy Kathambi

Assosiate and Year Fellowship Coordinator

Julian Nyaboke


Benard Rono

Music Coordinator

Chichi Tebla

Special Activity Coordinator

Sheila Christine

Asset Manager

Noah Boiwo

Discipleship Coordinator

What Our Members Say

Chuka University Christian union has grown immensely spiritually!
Charity Mwaura

Charity Mwaura


The Christian Union is the best place to be in. Home Away From Home!

Brenda Cherotich

Brenda Cherotich


The CU has modeled me to whom I am. Through the Christian Union, I have grown skillfully and have been grounded on a strong Doctrinal Foundation.

Moses Mukhwana

Moses Mukhwana


The CU is the best place to be in while in Campus!

Upcoming Events

From Our Blog

Please Keep checking for more updates from our Blog


THEME STATEMENT: MANIFESTING THE LOVE OF CHRIST THEME VERSE :  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does Read more…

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